Statistics prove that the risk of having an accident is highest during the first years ofdriving after passing the driving test. This is why the Government launched the PassPlus programme. Backed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) and major motorinsurance companies, it is designed to help new drivers gain more experience andbecome better equipped for the demands of modern driving.
The course needs to be taken within twelve months of passing your driving test to qualify for the insurance benefits.
The PASS PLUS course is a six-hour module, which will include motorway, bad weather, city and rural driving. After completion you will be able to obtain a discount from many insurance companies, subject to your personal circumstances.
This course has proved popular because the saving on insurance is far greater than the cost of the course.
- Take Your Lessons With Us And Get A Huge Discount On Your Pass Course.
- £100 instead of £150
- You Can Claim up to 25% Off Your Car Insurance
- You Get Vital Added Experience Including Motorway Training, Skidding, All Weather Driving, Parking Basic, Car Maintenance & Much
- You Don’t Even Have To Take A Test At The End Of The Course!
- Gain valuable driving experience safely.
- You will be taught how to deal with a wide range of road and traffic, many of which you probably won’t have faced before.
- Build on your existing skills and knowledge it can take years become a skilled driver.
- PASS PLUS helps get you there by speeding up learning process under expert tuition reduce your risk of being in a road crash.
The course will help boost your awareness of all kinds of hazards help you learn how to anticipate, plan for and deal with them.